Sunday, March 18, 2007

Congress needs to stop the politics and begin supporting our Men and Women in Uniform

Sent:Tuesday, March 13, 200710:43 AM

I have had enough and am going to give my perspective on the news aboutWalterReedArmyMedicalCenter. Please understand that I am speakingfor myself and I am responsible for my thoughts alone.

The news media and politicians are making it sound like Walter Reed is a terrible place and the staff here has been abusing our brave wounded soldiers; what abunch of bull!

I am completing my 24th year of service in the Army next month so youdecide for yourself if I have the experience to write about this topic.I have been the senior clinical chaplain at Walter Reed for four yearsand will leave to go back to the infantry this summer. I supervise thechaplain staff inside Walter Reed that cares for the 200 inpatients, the650+ daily outpatients from the war who come to us for medical care, the4000+ staff, and over 3000 soldiers and their families that come forclinical appointments daily.

Walter Reed has cared for over 5500 woundedfrom the war. I cannot count the number of sick and non-battle injuredthat have come through over that timeframe. The staff at this facilityhas done an incredible job at the largestUSmilitary medical center withthe worst injured of the war. We have cared for over 400 amputees andtheir families. I am privileged to serve the wounded, their families,and our staff.

When the news about building 18 broke I was on leave. I was in shockwhen the news broke. We in the chaplains office in Walter Reed, as wellas the majority of people at Walter Reed, did not know anyone was inbuilding 18. I didn't even know we had a building 18. How can thathappen? Walter Reed is over 100 acres of 66 buildings on twoinstallations. Building 18 is not on the installation of Walter Reed andwas believed to be closed years ago by our department. The fact thatsome leaders in the medical brigade that is in charge of the outpatientsput soldiers in there is terrible. That is why the company commander,first sergeant, and a group of platoon leaders and platoon sergeantswere relieved immediately.

They failed their soldiers and the Army. Thecommanding general was later relieved (more about this) and his sergeantmajor has been told to move on--if he gets to. The brigade sergeant major was relieved and more relief's are sure to come and need to. Asany leader knows, if you do not take care of soldiers, lie, and then tryto cover it up, you are not worthy of the commission you hold and shouldbe sent packing. I have no issue, and am actually proud, that they did relieve the leaders they found who knew of the terrible conditions someof our outpatients were enduring.

The media is making it sound likethese conditions are rampant at Walter Reed and nothing could be furtherfrom the truth. We need improvements and will now get them. I hate it that it took this to make it happen. The Army and the media made MG Weightman, our CG, out to be the problemand fired him. This was a great injustice. He was only here for six months, is responsible for military medical care in the 20 Northeaststates, wears four "hats" of responsibilities, and relies on his subordinate leaders to know what is happening in their areas of responsibilities.

He has a colonel that runs the hospital (my hospitalcommander), a colonel that runs the medical brigade (where theoutpatient wounded are assigned and supposedly cared for), and a colonel that is responsible to run the garrison and installation. What people don't know is that he was making many changes as he became aware of themand had requested money to fix other places on the installation. TheArmy did not come through until four months after he asked for themoney, remember that he was here only six months, which was only daysbefore they relieved him. His leaders responsible for outpatient care did not tell him about conditions in building 18. He has been an incredible leader who really cares about the wounded, their families,and our staff. I cannot say the same about a former commander, who was my first commander here at Walter Reed, and definitely knew about many problems and is in the position to fix them and he did not.

MG Weightmanalso should not be held responsible for the military's unjust andinefficient medical board system and the problems in the VA system. We lost a great leader and passionate man who showed he had the guts tomake changes and was doing so when he was made the scapegoat for others.

What I am furious about is that the media is making it sound like all of Walter Reed is like building 18. Nothing could be further from thetruth. No system is perfect but the medical staff provides great care in this hospital.

What needs to be addressed, and finally will, is thebureaucratic garbage that all soldiers are put through going intomedical boards and medical retirements. Congress is finally giving the money that people have asked for at Walter Reed for years to fix placeson the installations and address shortcomings.

What they don't want youto know is Congress caused many problems by the BRAC process saying theywere closing Walter Reed. We cannot keep nor attract all the qualitypeople we need at Walter Reed when they know this place will close inseveral years and they are not promised a job at the new hospital.

Then they did this thing call A76 where they fired many of the workers herefor a company of contractors, IAP, to get a contract to provide careoutside the hospital proper. The company, which is responsible formaintenance, only hired half the number of people as there wereoriginally assigned to maintenance areas to save money. Walter Reed leadership fought the A76 and BRAC process for years but lost. Congressinstituted the BRAC and A76 process; not the leadership of Walter Reed.

What I wish everyone would also hear is that for every horror story weare now hearing about in the media that truly needs to be addressed, youare not hearing about the hundreds of other wounded and injured soldierswho tell a story of great care they received. You are not hearing about the incredibly high morale of our troops and the fact that most of them want to go back, be with their teammates, and finish the job properly.You should be very proud of the wounded troopers we have at Walter Reed.They make me so proud to be in the Army and I will fight to get their story out.

I want you to hear the whole story because our wounded, their families,our Army, and the nation need to know that many in the media and select politicians have an agenda. Forget agendas and make the changes thathave been needed for years to fix problems in every military hospitaland the VA system.

The poor leaders will be identified and sent packing and good riddance to them. I wish the same could be said for thepoliticians and media personalities who are also responsible but now want it to look like they are very concerned. Where have they been for the last four years?

I am ashamed of what they all did and the pain ithas caused many to think that everyone is like that. Please know that you are not hearing the whole story. Please know that there are thousands of dedicated soldiers and civilian medical staff caring foryour soldiers and their families. When I leave here I will end up deploying. When soldiers in my division have to go to Walter Reed from the battlefield, I know they will get great medical care. I pray that you know the same thing. God bless all our troops and their families wherever they may be.

God bless you all,
+Chaplain John L. Kallerson
Senior Chaplain Clinician WalterReedArmyMedicalCenter

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