Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Respect for our Fallen Heroes!

This is from an e:mail from a friend.

I need to express a few thoughts before you all check out these sites. Cpl Peter Wagler is from my home town of Hutchinson Kansas. I did not know him but I am humbled by his sacrifice. As I am looking at the pics I noticed a picture labeled 05.the battlefront1.jpg and I noticed the bastards with the hate signs protesting the funeral and I could not help myself from crying.

Maybe it is because I spent time flying a lot of these young men and women out of Balad and feel a strong bond with them. Apparently there is this “pastor” that travels around the country protesting at the funerals of our heroes.

Now, the part of this I also want y’all to see is the web page for the patriot guard. These guys ride around the nation and place themselves between the families of our fallen heroes. I would like y’all to check out both links and then it is up to you. I am throwing full support behind the patriot guard. (just wish I had a bike to ride with them). Thanks for your time to read this.


Ps I wanted to say thanks to Bonnie our Texas State Captain for the Patriot Riders.

Attached are links to the Patriot Guard and the funeral in Hutchinson
honoring Cpl. Peter Wagler.

Great photos showing a great hero and wonderful organization.

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